Lupara Bianca means “white shotgun” or “white death” in Italian. The term was coined concerning the inability to find a body after one’s murder.
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↓ Transcript
Panel 1:
[At an abandoned facility overlooking a lake, Bruno the Barber and Big Al survey the area.]
Panel 2:
[A large bag sinks to the bottom.]
Goon #1: "Look! We've got a live one!"
Goon #2: "He's going to be very pleased with this one."
Panel 3:
[Back in a hotel room, Bruno the Barber makes a phone call.]
Bruno the Barber: "È finito."
[At an abandoned facility overlooking a lake, Bruno the Barber and Big Al survey the area.]
Panel 2:
[A large bag sinks to the bottom.]
Goon #1: "Look! We've got a live one!"
Goon #2: "He's going to be very pleased with this one."
Panel 3:
[Back in a hotel room, Bruno the Barber makes a phone call.]
Bruno the Barber: "È finito."
Oh my goodness! I was so close. Just was mistaken about the ‘rat’. Is Dino now “extinct”? Yikes bad pun I know
Very close indeed. Dino is a rat of sorts. 😉 We’ll have to see if Dino shows up again. Only time will tell.