In the book, Murder Machine by Gene Mustain and Jerry Capeci, a scene was depicted in which Dominick Montiglio joined Nino Gaggi, Carlo Gambino, and other associated for afternoon espresso. One time as the sit down ended, Dominick said goodbye to Carlo and Nino (his uncle) described Dominick as a smart boy with the speed of a deer.
Carlo replied with, “Smart like a fox, that’s good. The fox recognizes traps. But a deer? It’s better to be a lion than a deer. The lion scares away the wolves. If you are a lion and a fox, nothing defeats you.”
Dominick accepted Carlo’s observations as original thought and often quoted them to his boyhood friends. Much later he learned the true origins of the phrase which originated from Machiavelli’s The Prince. Whatever a ruler has to do to gain or hold power, he must do.
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