Least Privilege May04 by Bret Juliano on May 4, 2018 at 12:13 am Chapter: Amazoogle While Kenny attempts to get some work done, HAL keeps pestering on. └ Tags: Amazoogle, Data, Data Protection, Data Security, Dust Bunny, HAL, HAL 9000, Howard Stacy, Kenny the Crypt, Mafia, Mob, Mobster, Pesky Gremlins, Security Related Comics ¬ Hello Dinner Humble Pie Strong Coffee Part 2 Blowing Smoke Grind House Blend
Kenny shouldn’t up set HAL. We all remember what happened the last time that happened.
I think Kenny will outsmart the AI. In fact, I’d bet on it!
Work smarter, not harder, eh? 🙂
More like “work”? Psh!
Atta boy, Kenny! Time to take the offensive!
Just wait to see what he does next!