A stake-out while eating steaks out would prove to be a lot more entertaining. Though, for a low-level criminal like Dino, I don’t suspect you’d ever see him eating at one of those fancy restaurants. That’s more of a Godfather style stake-out than one for a street thug.
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
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↓ Transcript
Panel 1:
Jimmy the Nose: "Well I think that’s the last of it. Got everything I need for the next weeks worth of surveillance supplies."
Panel 2:
Vic the Lead: "So, all set for your stake-out?"
Jimmy the Nose: "I think so, just need to double-check."
Salvatore "Bolts" III: "STEAK-OUT!?!"
Panel 3:
Salvatore "Bolts" III: "Excuse me! Why wasn’t I consulted on this matter?"
Vic the Lead: "Do you wanna break the news or shall I?"
Jimmy the Nose: "It’s all yours."
Jimmy the Nose: "Well I think that’s the last of it. Got everything I need for the next weeks worth of surveillance supplies."
Panel 2:
Vic the Lead: "So, all set for your stake-out?"
Jimmy the Nose: "I think so, just need to double-check."
Salvatore "Bolts" III: "STEAK-OUT!?!"
Panel 3:
Salvatore "Bolts" III: "Excuse me! Why wasn’t I consulted on this matter?"
Vic the Lead: "Do you wanna break the news or shall I?"
Jimmy the Nose: "It’s all yours."
Coffee and steak, all I need for my stake-out!
Separately right?
I wonder is “Steak-Out” is the name of a restaurant anywhere.
That’s a very good question… [Googles] actually it is! Small chain located mostly in Alabama and Georgia.
“IF” = “IS”… I really need to check what I write before hitting “post”
I knew what you meant! I didn’t even catch that one.
And there I go again… totally screwed that correction up. Let me correct the correction…”IS” = “IF”
I suck.
Sounds like someone needs more coffee.
Gotta be careful for anything mentioned around that vase!