Just living the ol’ American Dream, right?
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↓ Transcript
Panel 1:
Dollar Bill: "Come on guys, we can just talk this out, right? Guys?"
All: [off-screen] "No!"
Panel 2:
[The dollar bill zips off while the DBM chases it.]
Panel 3:
Jimmy the Nose: [to the reader] "Just living the ol’ American Dream, right?"
Dollar Bill: "Come on guys, we can just talk this out, right? Guys?"
All: [off-screen] "No!"
Panel 2:
[The dollar bill zips off while the DBM chases it.]
Panel 3:
Jimmy the Nose: [to the reader] "Just living the ol’ American Dream, right?"
It made me remember my very firzt owned dollard.
I waz 6 or 7 yo and I found two 50c coinz in a playground.
My firzt gain, made. on zomebody elzefoolizhnez.
Feel noztalgic here