↓ Transcript
Panel 1:
Murphie: "Hey Frankie, wanna go planking with me?"
Frankie the Force: "Planking, seriously?"
Panel 2:
Murphie: "You better believe it!"
Panel 3:
[Frankie the Force whacks Murphie with a wooden plank.]
Frankie the Force: "This is the only acceptable form of planking."
Panel 1:
Murphie: "Hey Frankie, wanna go planking with me?"
Frankie the Force: "Planking, seriously?"
Panel 2:
Murphie: "You better believe it!"
Panel 3:
[Frankie the Force whacks Murphie with a wooden plank.]
Frankie the Force: "This is the only acceptable form of planking."
Man, some people must be really really bored.